tisdag 4 september 2012

Månadens skiva - Augusti -12

  1. Spectrum (Say my name) Calvin Harris remix - Florence & the Machine (Vicky)
  2. Mature themes - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti (Karro)
  3. You know you like it - AlunaGeorge (Nina)
  4. Hoop of love - Dominant Legs (Karin)
  5. Mountains crave - Anna von Hausswolff (Kerstin)
  6. She brings the sunlight - Richard Hawley (Vicky)
  7. Mtn tune - Trails and Ways (Kerstin)
  8. Decide - Caveman (Vicky)
  9. Shoreless kid - Young Galaxy (Nina)
  10. Take care - Drake (Karro)
  11. Darling - Wild at Heart (Karin)
  12. Mightier than the sword - The Mynabirds (Nina)
  13. Don't wait too long - Dent May (Karro)
  14. How deep is your love - Sean Paul & Kelly Rowland (Karin)
  15. New love - Southern Shores (Kerstin)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello! I've been looking through the BBC's archives of Lauren Laverne's Memory Mixtapes and came across yours. I love the idea and was so happy to click on your blog and see the project is still ongoing! Just about to listen to a selection now.

    All the best, Amy x

  2. Hi Amy! Thanks for posting, it's been a 7-year project now quite hard to believe! :)
    If you have Spotify you have all (well almost all) the music in our playlists. Hope you find something you like!

